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วันเสาร์ที่ 1 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2555

Adverbs : Answer Page 78-80

A.Choose the best adverb for each sentence from the words given the brackets.

1. She played the piano softly.
2. He looked around carefully for his lost keys.
3. The sun shone brightly this morning.
4. Wendy was very tired. She fell asleep quickly.
5. The children looked at the new neighbors curiously.
6. The dog stared at the meat greedily.
7. When Susan was caught in the stormy weather , she worried if she would reach home safely.
8. The portrait Jim was painting turned out beautifully.
9. When the thief heard footsteps , he hid the stolen goods hastily.
10.The woman at the help desk answered all the questions patiently.
11.Looking at his new bike , Sam sighed happily.
12.After a tiring day , Kate sat down on the sofa wear.

B.Form sentences of your own , using the adverb form of the words in the brackets.

1. Cleverly - He speak cleverly.

2. Brilliantly - The sun shines brilliantly in the sky.
3. Wisely - He advices his friend wisely.
4. Gratefully - He take care of his father gratefully.
5. Cruelly - Never treat your dog cruelly.
6. Honestly - We must treat our neighbor honestly.
7. Miserably - He fail his exam miserably.
8. Excitedly - The football fans cheered their team excitedly.
9. Jokingly - He speak jokingly to his friendly.
10.Grumpily - He complained about his school grumpily.

C.Write the complete sentences correctly.

1. Who was knocking at the door so loudly.

2. The sky darkened and it suddenly began to rain.
3. Surprisingly , we won all the matches in our tournament.

