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วันศุกร์ที่ 10 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2555


Skimming is a reading technique that can help you to

  • read more quickly.
  • decide if the text is interesting and whether you should read it in more detail.
Skimming is a fast reading technique.Use it to obtain the gist of a piece of text (i.e. to quickly identify the main ideas in the text)

How to Skim:

* Read the title.
* Read the introduction or the first paragraph.
* Read the first sentence of every other paragraph.
* Read any headings and sub-headings.
* Notice any pictures, charts, or graphs.
* Notice any italicized or boldface words or phrases.
* Read the summary or last paragraph.
ขั้นตอนของการ skimming
1.  อ่านชื่อเรื่อง
2.  อ่านย่อหน้าแรกซึ่งเป็นบทนำของบทอ่าน
3.  อ่านประโยคแรกของทุกย่อหน้า
4.  อ่านหัวข้อใหญ่และหัวข้อย่อย
5.  ดูรูปภาพ แผนภูมิ หรือกราฟที่ให้มาประกอบ
6.  สังเกตคำที่ปรากฏในบทอ่านบ่อยๆ
7.  สังเกตคำ หรือวลีที่พิมพ์ด้วยตัวเอน หรือตัวหนา คำหรือวลีที่ขีดเส้นใต้
8.  อ่านข้อสรุปของย่อหน้า
Identifying Main Ideas
  • The main idea of a paragraph may be found in the first or last sentence, or even in the middle of the paragraph
  • If a main idea is repeated in a slightly different war, its meaning will often become clear.
  • Sometime,It is repeated in the closing sentence.
  • The main idea of a story tells what the story is mostly about. Details in a story provide more information about the main idea 

Part A.Underline the sentence with the main idea in each paragraphy

1.The sky could not fall down because there is nothing where we call 'sky'.Long ago,people thought the sun,moon and stars were at the top of the sky.They thought we lived inside a bowl that was turned upside down.
2.When you look at a rainbow, have you ever wondered if other people see the other side of rainbow at the same time ? You can see both sides of a bridge,because there are two sides. You only have to walk to see the other side of a bridge,but a rainbow has only only one side.
3.It is impossible to sleep with our eyes open. To keep them open needs effort,although the brain does this for you without having to think when you are awake.When you become sleepy,you relax and your eyelids drop because of their own weight.
4.Most male birds have brighter feathers than female birds .Male birds better voices than female birds.All these come about because each male bird,when looking for a wife, likes to show off his coloured feathers . He also likes to attract the female bird by calling and singing to her.

Part B. (answer)
Q.1= b.Nerves are good carrier of messages
Q.2=a.Our vocal chords are amazing in what they can do (In My Opinion)

Part C
              Our Galaxy

1.Detail: A galaxy is grouping of stars
2.Detail: There are many other galaxies in outer
3.Detail: It is a  spiral-shaped galaxy.
4.Detail: The Milky Way looks like a milky white stripe in the sky.
5.Detail: One of the stars in the Milky Way is the sun 
6.Detail: Scientists believe there are about 200 billion stars in it

Main idea :  The Milky Way is our galaxy.

Exercise Online : http://web2.uvcs.uvic.ca/elc/studyzone/570/pulp/hemp1.htm

